Laravel is a popular PHP framework known for its elegant syntax and developer-friendly features. While Laravel itself doesn’t have a set of “default commands” in the way an operating system or command-line interface does, it provides a powerful command-line tool called Artisan. Artisan allows developers to perform various tasks related to Laravel application development.
Here are some commonly used Artisan commands in Laravel:
- php artisan serve: Starts the built-in development server, allowing you to run your Laravel application locally.
- php artisan make:model ModelName: Generates a new Eloquent model.
- php artisan make:controller ControllerName: Generates a new controller.
- php artisan make:migration CreateTableName: Creates a new database migration file.
- php artisan migrate: Runs all pending database migrations.
- php artisan db:seed: Seeds the database with data defined in your seeders.
- php artisan tinker: Opens an interactive REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) for your Laravel application, allowing you to interact with your application and database.
- php artisan route:list: Lists all registered routes for your application.
- php artisan make:middleware MiddlewareName: Generates a new middleware class.
- php artisan make:auth: Sets up basic registration and login scaffolding, including views and controllers.
- php artisan make:command CommandName: Creates a new Artisan command.
- php artisan config:cache: Caches the configuration files for faster application performance.
- php artisan cache:clear: Clears the application cache.
- php artisan optimize: Optimizes the application by pre-compiling commonly used classes.
- php artisan queue:work: Starts a worker to process jobs in the queue.
- php artisan vendor:publish: Publishes assets and configuration files from packages.
- php artisan make:policy PolicyName: Generates a new policy class for authorization.
These are just a few examples of the many Artisan commands available in Laravel. You can view the full list of available commands and their descriptions by running php artisan list
in your Laravel project’s root directory. Additionally, you can create custom Artisan commands to perform specific tasks tailored to your application’s needs.